Frequently Asked Questions

We offer comprehensive security services for commercial properties, residential areas, construction sites, and event venues, ensuring tailored solutions to meet diverse security needs.

Yes, all our security guards are fully licensed and comply with the Security Industry Authority (SIA) standards in the UK, guaranteeing professionalism and reliability.

Our trained response teams are on call 24/7 to respond to any alarm triggers. We ensure rapid deployment to address the situation promptly and effectively.

Depending on client requirements and local regulations, we can provide both armed and unarmed security services tailored to the specific security needs of the site.

We emphasise personalised service, integrating the latest technology with skilled manpower, and conducting regular training updates to ensure our teams handle every security challenge competently.

Our security personnel receive comprehensive training that covers physical security, first aid, conflict resolution, and customer service to ensure they are prepared for a variety of scenarios.

We conduct regular audits and performance reviews, use client feedback to make continuous improvements, and adhere to industry best practices to maintain high service quality.

We have a clear and tested protocol for emergencies, including immediate escalation to local authorities and continuous communication with the client during the incident.

Yes, our security solutions are designed to be fully integrable with existing security and building management systems to enhance overall security infrastructure without redundancy.

We provide security consultations and risk assessments to help identify vulnerabilities and recommend effective security strategies tailored to your specific needs and context.

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How We Work Here

  • Initial Consultation

    Discussing your specific security needs and concerns with the security provider.

  • Security Assessment

    The Global Security Gaurd conducts a thorough assessment of your site to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities.

  • Proposal

    The provider drafts a tailored security plan that addresses the identified risks and outlines the services they will offer.

  • Agreement

    Once the proposal is approved, both parties sign a service agreement.

  • Implementation

    The security measures are implemented, and personnel are deployed to the site.